17 September 2009

Geese are like . . .

The Canadian Geese have been back for weeks, but they haven't crossed me in the road yet until today.  One was standing in the particularly appropriately named suicide lane today, and I stared that sucker down, and he didn't move. 

When I looked at him, I was reminded, for some reason, of the aristocracy of Europe past.  Canadian Geese think they are so regal, but they are ridiculous at the same time.  They have that sense of self-importance and entitlement (they are the rulers of all they survey), and when threatened (even just in their minds), they immediately go to war even if the enemy is a huge Chevy van thousands of times heavier and more dangerous than they.  They're also snazzy dressers.  You can tell they think so.

I've been snickering about this thought all day.  Geese amuse me.  Any nature around you been cracking you up lately?  Do share.

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