21 September 2020

On resuming writing after a major hiatus

It's been a while.  You made some rookie mistakes.  You forgot to put the speed to fast/ draft / ink saver and had to get more ink in a pandemic.  Forgot to put in page numbers for the first several chunks.  Forgot to print in reverse order.  You did finally use up a lot of that case of paper you accidentally bought, what, 15 years ago?

Seeing this stack of some of the things you blogged from 2009-2017 (even though there is so little after 2014 when I moved for real), you feel inspired.  Organize them.  Connect them with clips.  Read them in chronological order, a time machine to a decade ago.  Look at all these things you thought about, crafted into a rough shape, and launched.  Some of them are even good.  Look at the pile.  Just look.

And do it again.