30 January 2010

The Sorrows of Young Buck

A young buck nearly scared the bejeebers out of me on my way home today.  I flipped on my turn signal, checked behind me, switched into the right turn lane, slowed down, slowed down more . . .

And that is a young male deer standing RIGHT on the side of the road so close I could roll down my window and pet him, and he is chewing something desultorily and watching traffic, like any bored jaywalker, and I am terrified that he's just going to start crossing the street and no one will see him because there are never deer HERE, and it's so dark, and even though it's not really safe at all, I am looking in my rear view mirror and sending telepathic messages to the deer to turn back and go home . . .

Good thing his telepathic receiver was on because he turned around and shuffled away.  I spent the rest of my drive watching out for him on the side of the road because I was afraid he would jump out from there to punish me for ruining his fun, but that didn't happen.  Phew.

Also, the moon tonight was impossibly big and beautiful.  Yesterday was supposed to be the day, but full+1 today was just gorgeous and brilliant, big, wide, and parchment-colored.  I would have looked at it more, but I was  watching out for that deer.

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