29 March 2010


I don't understand diet foods. I am on a very strict food budget. I need to get enough fuel to keep me going on a set amount of money. Why would I buy a watered down version of the fruit and veggie juice I drink all the time if it has half the calories for the same price? Why would I buy light ice cream if it + milk = a meal for me?

I guess it just puzzles me, too, since diet foods tend to have fewer calories because they have less of real, good, actual food substance in them. And then people eat twice as much of the diet food. They pay for it in more ways than one.

Are there any "diet" foods or beverages you like so much you prefer them to their non-diet originals?

1 comment:

  1. I almost always prefer non-diet foods. I strongly dislike the flavor of artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose. I think light yogurts and ice creams are the only diet foods I ever get, but that's just kind of in keeping with drinking 2% instead of whole milk because it's healthier.

    And seriously, you save money by buying 100% juice drinks and then cutting them with water yourself- white grape and cranberry are especially good for that.
