Were you wearing suggestive clothing?
My 6th grade school uniform - plaid skirt below the knee
- knee socks
- shoes
- Oxford button-up shirt probably buttoned all the way up
Had you been drinking?
Hadn't ever had any alcohol that stuff smells disgusting
Were you wearing lots of makeup?
No makeup, no interest in makeupgets all over everything when you sweat
during recess
Were you flirting?
Am asexualhad never flirted or shown any kind
of sexual interest
in anyone
Were you in the wrong place?
In the hallwayoutside the 6th grade classroom
after school in broad daylight
waiting safely inside for my late ride home to arrive
looking through the glass doors
with a view of the playground
none of this should really matter
because the only reason
sexual assaults happen
is because people
sexually assault
other people
because the only reason
sexual assaults happen
is because people
sexually assault
other people